Saturday, April 16, 2011

Texas Kemah Race Report and Tenative Race Schedule...

First I want to start off with some great video footage from ITU La Paz Triathlon... Going to be hard to say the race conditions from here on out were rough after watching these videos.

Arrived really late Thursday into Houston where my Homestay the Philips. He of course picked me up in his Truck Texas style!  Kiddin', actually this was a picture of the guys truck next door w/ all of the neighbor kids gettting some shade from the hot Houston weather. This is what I think of when I think of Texas!  Anway, met the rest of the Host family later that night...  4 kids and 2 dogs!  Went to bed late...  12:45am.  Yes, for me that is late!

Friday Morning:
6:00 Wake up!  I'm tired....  Pre-road the bike course with Justin (Homestay) and his buddy Brian.  It was a great day out.  Not gonna lie, I thought I was going to die with all of the Friday morning traffic whizzing by!  Bike course was flat and windy out there.  Some Cake Batter Muscle Milk afterwards, mmmm.  Always makes me smile.

Friday Midday:
Went for a littly run while Justin road the MTB.  It was 80deg w/ high humiday!  Oh, did I mention when I left Ohio it had snowed 2-1/2 inches that day?  Yeah, I started sweating after the first mile. Cut the run at 4 miles so it wasn't so bad...  Took a little power nap which I needed from the little sleep from the night before.

Friday Evening:
Pick-up the other Pro that was staying w/ the Philips Dustin McLarty.  He was saying how he's done somewhere in the ballpark of 250 Tri's...  Hmmmm, I've done about 25 or so? 

Saturday Morning:
Woke up early and went for a run w/ Dustin.  Found a really nice Golf Course and ran on that for a while, until the Manager came flying out after us and kicked us off the course!  Dustin, "We were looking for our Uncle, but couldn't find him...  We gotta go, we're late!"  I don't think the dude new what to say...  I was dying myself and couldn't help but bust out laughing.  Afterward, we went for a 20mile ride with Justin...  He was pushing the past and Dustin and I were happy to suck his wheel and check out the scenery.  Dustin finally went up in front of Justin making him slow down...  Half a shot of Muscle Milk Cake Baker to go w/ the nice big breakfast my Homestay had made.  Thanks to the Philips for feeding this boy & making some excellant meals.

Saturday Evening:
Registered and went to the Pro Race Briefing.  There were 24 of us there (15-MPRO/9-FPRO) with names such as Torrenzo, Lieto, Yoder, Deboom, Fleischmann to name a few.

Sunday- Race Day:
Early wake up call 3:50 because transition closed at 5:30.  Yes, that 5:30am transition closed and we had a 30min commute to get to the race venue.  The Swim start was like Alcatraz where they take you a mile out in a big boat, so we had to be on the boat by 6:00am. Got a quick spin on the bike and I neglected to go for a run...  Probably should have, but maybe next time...   Downed some Cytomax Pomegranate and took a shot of GU Expesso and was ready to go.
Swim:  21:29 (~200m Long)

7:20 1-1/2 hours since we got on the Boat...  Temp was 71deg = No wetsuits for Pro's...  Bang gun goes off!  I'm in no mans land right from the get go...  I chose a to stay out wide and most of the other Pro's went straight for the Bouys following Dustin...  Swam solo the whole time until the very end when I slammed into Lieto and Deboom from the side as I took a slight longer course and had to get back over to the ramp.  The swim was about 200m long, so I'll take that time w/ no wetsuit.

Bike:  58:33 (25.5mph)
First 3-1/2 mi's I was in front of Lieto and Deboom and I was waiting for them to go buzzing by...  Lieto goes by and I hung with Deboom for the next 8mi's... Rest of the bike ride was uneventfull.  I felt okay, but just didn't have the power to push it any harder. Ended up getting pasted by 2 more guys toward the end of the bike.  Took a shot of GU Energy Vanilla and noticed I didn't finish my bottle of Cytomax & will take note for next time.
Run:  36:10 (5:50/mi)
Jumped off the bike and I knew it right away...  This wasn't going to be the fastest run.  Ohio weather has put a damper on my transition training.  Anyway, threw on the Zoot Ultra TT 4.0 shoes and was off.  First mile I had a cramp in the leg and couldn't get it to go away.  After that I was fine, but just didn't have the turnover.  The last 2miles you had to go over a 10% grade bridge back and forth.  Got past on the first portion of the bridge and knew there was no one behind me, so I decided to cruise it in from there.  This was the only disappointing part of my race...  Should be somewhere in the range of 5:35 pace, but....  Sometime you have it and sometime you don't....  I didn't!!

Finish:  1:58:29  10th of 15 Pro.  Two guys must have DNF'd.

Overall I'm satisfied but yet know I have a long way to go...  Went from 5th to 10th because of the bike or lack thereof from me.  Next year I will be working on the bike so hope it will come around?  We'll see...  Winner of the Elite race was over 2:00 back w/ wetsuits and I didn't get chicked by any means, always a plus!

Sorry, Race schedule will have to wait...

1 comment:

  1. Awesome result, buddy! A HUGE congrats to Paul.

    T. Wood
