Saturday, April 16, 2011

Yet another Race Season is upon us...

Been reminded a few times that I have a blog...  What's been going on since the last post? Quite a bit actually...  Below will show you how long it's been!

1.  My older Brother got Married to a professional duathlete. Actually, I think this happened before my first post.  Regardless, I'll take another family member that understands what that we do, is Normal to us!

Squirt (Jack)
2.  My older Brother had his first child.  Yes, it's a boy!  He goes by Jack, but I will call him Squirt until he is old enough.  When is old enough?  When he can take me in any of the following:  Swimming, Biking, or Running.  My older brother Paully (Paul Mangen) is one of the best open water swimmers I know and has won every open water race on the East Coast.  The past couple years he's competed for USA and has been the Team Captain for USLA competitions (Run/Swims, Paddleboarding, Surf Skiing, Ironmans (Not Triathlon Ironman, haha), etc.  He's one International races and has racd in Egypt, Australia, Japan, Cali, Canada, etc. Also, he is the Head Swim Coach at Saint Leo University.  And his wife, well....  Like I said, she's a professional duathlete and she's is the Cross Country Coach at Saint Leo University  Needless to say, I will not be calling him Squirt very long I don't think.  But for now, Jack...  You are Squirt, Squirt!

3. My little Brother got engaged to a great gal!  They were meant to be together. My little brother is an active hunter, fisherman, and pretty much gets involved in anything outdoors.  He is my main food supply over the winter.  Mmmm Venison (Aka Deer)!  He's currently at WVU getting educated!  I miss those days, kinda? Anyway, the kid has a gift of finding any kind of animal to hunt (Turkey, Deer, Fish, etc.....).  I could go on, but hey this is my Blog right?  Anyway, I wish the best for the 2 of them as they look to get married in the future.

4. Training has been going well.  Ohio winter was long and brutal, but I'll take them over the extreme hot conditions in the summer.  Ended up getting Frostbite for the second year in a row, but other than that it was all good. I really want to race more, but my work vacation situation does not allow this at the moment.  Hope to get some more vacation so I can race more in the future.  Who doesn't like to Race?  I think I question myself more when I'm not racing because I don't have anything to look after.  Instead, I'm thinking if I'm doing what I should be doing?  Should I be doing this at all?  What would it be like if I didn't compete?  Then Race season comes around and I'm I look back at some of those thoughts and wonder what the heck was I thinking?  I wanna do this forever because I love the Sport... Well, maybe I physically cannot do this forever, but I can always be apart of the sport by giving back. Whether that be volunteering or financial support...  It's in my Blood!

5. First race of year has went underway! Another post coming with a Tenative Race Schedule.....  Also, Follow me on The Twitter it's on the Blog Main Page or Follow me at mattmangen.

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